Aanbevolen post

Friday 20 March 2020

7th month

(March 9th-15th). What a hell everywhere! The Coronavirus. It is our biggest enemy now I guess. PEople are getting more and more crazy. Schools are closing, people can't go to work anymore, events are canceled, and even the grocery stores are empty sometimes! WHY?! I know it is getting a big deal now, but still. People are crazy! Hand sanitizer is sold out everywhere.. Just wash your hands ok?! AND THEN TRUMP.... OMG!!! 30 days travel ban for Europeans?! WTF! So many of my friends have parents that planned to come visit them in 2 weeks. My parents are coming at the end of Aril so I really hope they are lucky and can still come to the US. I am so mad! Of course there are many cases in Europe, but why would you do this? The virus is already everywhere I guess.
But anyways... I also did some fun things this week. I called with a boy from The Netherlands this week and this was very nice. I planned some things for my birthday and for my party next week. On Saturday I first went out for a run for about 2 hours and then I met with my friend Marielle and we went to Walmart to buy things for my birthday party and we walked around for a while and bought a smoothie. On Sunday I called my parents and my sister and then I met some friends and we had a picnic together at the river park which was great!

This week (March 16th - 22nd) was the first week without school for the girls. This means I would have to be their personal 'teacher' now. I first didn't now how to do this, but as I do like teaching kids new things, I was also very excited for this. This would be a real challenge for me and I liked this. Especially because I got my TEFL-certificate (which allows me to teach English abroad) teaching the girls would give me the opportunity to figure out if I really like teaching. On Thursday was my birthday... I was sad that I couldn't do anything with my friends because of the Coronavirus, but I still had a nice day! I had a great pancake breakfast, my hostmom decorated the living room and the girls made such a nice art project for me! I also got a huge box from The Netherlands with presents from my friends and family which I loved so much! All these lovely people! I miss them so much! Especially on days like this... I called with my parents, family and friends and this made me feel happier. I still was a little sad because we didn't do anything special because my hostparents both had to work, but when I came home we ate all together (with the whole family) and we had Chinese food which was so good! I also decorated the cookie dough cheese cake I made with the girls and this was soooo yummy! The first time I made a cheesecake and it was soo good! On Friday I went out for a run in the morning which was very bad at the beginning because I had stabbing pain in my side... But after 30 minutes it was gone and I ran very far! 18 km in 1 hour and 40 minutes! Pretty proud of myself! Lara came over real quick to drop off a present from her, Linda and Gian-Luca. I was very sad when I heard Gian-Luca was already on his way to Germany because he didn't want to be in quarantine because of the virus any longer here... We planned to go to Cancun together in May so this is really sad! I am gonna miss him so much!!! :( I also heard Karolina is leaving next Monday... She is already in her second year and she can still go back to Poland because she is a citizen but I am very sad she is leaving!!

I had a very nice birthday, despite of the pandemic!

This week (March 23rd - March 29th) was the second week without school. It was an exhausting and long week, but I still tried to stay positive and I went outside for run and this really helped. I also called with some friends in The Netherlands and this also helped a lot. It makes me feel better when I see them more often. I am very sad that I had to cancel my trip of next week to Puerto Rico and Miami and I really hope that I don't have to cancel my trip to Mexico! And I really, really hope my parents can come at the end of April. The 26th of March it was my hostmom's 40th birthday. I made salted caramel brownies with shortbread bottom and stroopwafel cake. For breakfast I made mini croissants, cinnamon rolls and French toasts and she really loved this! Unfortunately my present for her wasn't delivered yet so I really hope it will be delivered soon! We had a nice party despite of everything being closed because of the virus.
Happy 40th Birthday to my hostmom!

This week (March 30th - April 5th) was a very busy week. The girls still can't go to school so I am their teacher now. And of course they think they can do whatever they want now so it is very hard to deal with sometimes. We went outside a lot and the girls rode their scooters and I ran behind them. We did some arts and crafts for Easter and we played games. On Wednesday I heard something terrible... Trump decided to extend the 30 day European travelban… This means my parents can't come anymore and also if they were able to come, everything would still have been closed. I was so sad! My  mom was crying when my family called me... We had al so much been looking forward to see each other again at the end of April... We planned the whole trip to New York, Boston, Niagara Falls and Toronto and now it's all gone! I am so sad! On Friday it was my sister's 17th birthday. When I called her she started crying... I was so sad to see her like this... We miss each other so much! She is my best friend, so I can't see her like this... Luckily she still had a nice birthday! She really deserved it! I baked cupcakes with the girls for Elin's birthday party. We celebrated her birthday on Friday, even though her real birthday is next Monday. We did this because we departed to Harpers Ferry (the grandparents) this Saturday and then we wouldn't be able to celebrate it with my hostdad. So we made cupcakes and I had the idea to make a pie of it and we added unicorn decoration. Also we couldn't miss Elin's favorite dinner she has every week but especially now: Spaghetti! It is always so funny to see how she eats this... She is such a mess!!! But it was a nice little party. On Saturday we went to Harpers Ferry with a car full of stuff! It is very nice to be out of Philly for a while, because you can't really go anywhere and most shops are closed. Harpers Ferry is a very pleased area and it is way less crowded. And the nature is wonderful! I love to go out for a run or hike here and the grandparents are so lovely! Very Happy to be here! I hope we'll stay here longer than a week because I love it!
Elin's wonderful 6th birthday!